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Conference venue and accommodation
The participants are expected to book and pay for their accommodation and travel on their own. There are various options nearby for accommodation ranging from budget hotels to 5 star hotels to suite each individual's requirements. 

The conference will be taking place at:

You may well find the following useful when looking for suitable accommodation:     

For the discerning London offers a wealth of possibilities. As well as being the most ethnically diverse city on the face of the planet it is a convenient transport hub which ensures the constant exchange of ideas. With its extraordinary rich history, thriving arts scene and tolerant outlook it has become a haven for communities from every corner of the globe.  London is a city with many faces, from the quaint and archaic to the ultramodern and anarchic. Its museums, libraries and academic institutions are some of the most revered in the world and continue to exercise a magnetic pull that attracts the finest minds. No visit to London would be complete without a visit to one of its great treasure houses such as the British Library (, the British Museum ( or Tate Modern (, but for the real gems one needs to seek out the lesser known locations, the likes of the Sir John Soane’s Museum (, the Imperial War Museum (, Kew Gardens ( and the Wallace Collection ( Travel around London can be a trifle daunting at first, but there are a whole raft of options and rather than paying for single tickets if often makes good sense to buy a day travel card which will enable you to use buses, the London Underground (known locally as The Tube) and Overground Trains within the capital – for further details be sure to visit: London is an expensive city, especially when it comes to accommodation and transportation, that said, if you know where to look bargains can be found. Whatever your passion, be it books, shopping, sport or the theatre you will discover that London has it all except possibly the weather.