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These are NINE tracks at the International Conference on Institutional Leadership and learning & Teaching (ILLT)


Track 1:

Education Leadership in a time of changePapers is any areas of education leadership, professional responsibility, the impact of policy and technological change, budgetary constraints, staff and resource rationalisation, scrutiny, accountability, organizational behaviour, public relations, risk mitigation, strategy, human resource management, foresight planning, vision formulation etc.

Track 2:

Higher Education Management Research – Papers in areas related to governance, publishing and disseminating research, ethical and theoretical underpinnings, policy enhancement, institutional diplomacy, professional responsibility, research skill development etc.

Track 3:

Meeting labour market needs – Papers that explore forging meaningful links with the public and private sector, enhancing literacy, numeracy and oracy skills, challenging gender and cultural stereotypes, career preparation, raising sights, using social media as a tool for securing employment etc

Track 4:

Education and teaching for the Life Long Learning Sector offers considerable scope to examine a range of themes that impact on all seats of learning, as well as general capacity building. Whilst the chief focus of this track relates to andragogy, it is keen to embrace education in its broadest sense, as well as through Continuous Professional Development (CPD) and the role of the autodidact. Papers related to both theory and practise are most welcome.

Track 5:
Diversity & Mobility – Papers that focus on topics such as access & inclusion, international student support, inter-cultural understanding, gender and education, emotional intelligence, cross disciplinary partnership, teaching ethical and intercultural communication etc.
Track 6:
Development & Support – Papers in a range of areas that include the likes of blended learning, reflective learning, languages in education, creating independent learners, technical and vocational education and training, ICT and Education, Staff and Faculty, strategies for tacking disruptive classroom behaviour, effective deployment of support staff etc.

Track 7-Issues in Higher Education Management – Papers that focus on topics such as funding and budgetary constraints, campus enhancement, external partnerships, external relations, staffing issues, management structures, openness, whistle blowing procedures, communication, resource rationalisation, promotion mechanisms, free speech, security, campus extremism, staff and student safety, oversight, centres of excellence, partnerships, diversity in leadership and management roles etc.

Global Education Challenges – Papers in a range of areas that include the likes of developing the questioning mind, Academic English, inclusion, mentoring, due diligence, recruitment, Massively Open Online Courses (MOOCs), world rankings and how they skew policy, including case studies that go beyond the Anglosphere, plagiarism, access to resources, supportive assessment mechanisms etc.
Assessment and Quality Control – Self-appraisal mechanisms, peer review, benchmarking, holistic assessment, value added, training and mentoring, blended assessment, inter-faculty/departmental approaches, data collection and storage, big data, profiling, standard setting, inspections, improvement activities, quality assurance, self-evaluation, Continuous Professional Development for inspection preparation etc.