ROGE August 2022About the Conference
Subject Coverage
Example of topics appropriate to the conference includes:
- International retailing and diversification
- Innovation in retailing, ethical produce procurement and development
- Customer satisfaction, customer loyalty and retention strategies
- Customer Relationships marketing (CRM)
- Consumer attitudes to ecological and ethical issues
- Market liberalisation and impact on supply chain
- The linkage between international trade and overseas aid
- International Trade in the context of the current economic climate
- Transparency in government procurement
- Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS)
- Remittances and their part in trade and export development
- The interplay between the G4 and trade round implementation issues
- How trade facilitation is conceptualized and made operational in different emerging markets
- The role of the Special Safeguard Mechanism (SSM)
- The linkages between global trade and corporate social responsibility
- The language and rhetoric of import sensitive products
- The role of tariff barriers and agro-subsidies
- Management and retail marketing
- Business management
- Business policies, strategies, and performance
- Creativity in Internet management and retailing
- Innovation and product development, Business strategies
- Marketing management and strategies
- International retailing, all aspect of retail management
- Business and retail research
- Consumer behaviour, Customer relationship management
- Public relations and retail communication
- Human Resources Management Practices and policies
- Information technology, Management Information Systems
- Globalisation, regional integration, international business, cross cultural management
- Multinational Corporations, transfer pricing, export and economic growth
- Regional integration
- Productivity and global sourcing
- Trade and economic liberalisation
- Health and social care management, regulating in a changing health and social care sector
- Private and public healthcare in 21st century
- Promoting patience safety in hospital, mental health,
- Governance practices in health care sector
- Care in the community
- Teaching and learning for life long learning sector
- The future of business education, assessment methods and techniques
- the structure and curricula of current and future business education
- Cross cultural issues in education, use of technology in teaching and learning
- Emotional intelligence in teaching
- Leadership for innovation
Please note that this list is only indicative of possible topic areas that contributors may wish to consider while they develop their papers for the conference.