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DOI: 10.24052/BMR

Conference Programme Conference Programme & Abstract Proceedings
9th International Conference on Business and Economic Development (ICBED) 2020

Title : Governing and managing communal land as a resource in South Africa: A case of selected communal property associations in Vhembe district, Limpopo province

Authors: Mokoko P. Sebola,@@shm@@Malemela A. Mamabolo
Authors: Mokoko P. Sebola, and Malemela A. Mamabolo

Title : An analytical study of the determinants of foreign investment in Saudi Arabia "Saudi Vision 2030"

Authors: Sally El-Awady@@shm@@Sarah Al-Mushayqih@@shm@@Ebtehal Al-Oudah
Authors: Sally El-Awady, Sarah Al-Mushayqih and Ebtehal Al-Oudah

Title : Forensic accounting skills and tax evasion detection in Lagos State, Nigeria

Authors: Asaolu, Taiwo O.@@shm@@Akinkoye, Ebenezer Y.@@shm@@Akinadewo, Israel S.
Authors: Asaolu, Taiwo O., Akinkoye, Ebenezer Y. and Akinadewo, Israel S.

Title : The choice of coalition governments for promotion of national unity in Africa: Does the model work for unity and political stability?

Authors: Kananelo M. Sekatle,@@shm@@Mokoko P. Sebola
Authors: Kananelo M. Sekatle, and Mokoko P. Sebola

Title : Market orientation practices in Nigerian insurance companies

Authors: Caroline Osuagwu
Authors: Caroline Osuagwu

Title : Gen Z´s altruism and performance values link to private label preference: first evidence from a German drugstore sample

Authors: Joern Redler@@shm@@ Joachim Hurth
Authors: Joern Redler and Joachim Hurth

Title : Socio-economic impact of shopping centres in Gauteng, South Africa

Authors: B F van Niekerk@@shm@@C E Cloete
Authors: B F van Niekerk and C E Cloete

Title : Renewable energy consumption and economic growth in Nigeria: any causal relationship?

Authors: Ekone Francis Azeakpono@@shm@@Amaghionyeodiwe Lloyd
Authors: Ekone Francis Azeakpono and Amaghionyeodiwe Lloyd

Title : The contribution of airport retail to total airport revenues

Authors: Sumayyah Akoodie@@shm@@C. E. Cloete
Authors: Sumayyah Akoodie and C. E. Cloete

Title : Do legal origins impact infant mortality? Evidence from sub-Saharan Africa

Authors: Nourhan Hashish
Authors: Nourhan Hashish

Title : Factors influencing the trust-level of Hungarian negotiators in cross-cultural business contexts

Authors: Julia Szoke
Authors: Julia Szoke

Title : Trade structure as an enabler of economic growth in Africa

Authors: Roseline Tapuwa Karambakuwa@@shm@@Ronney Ncwadi
Authors: Roseline Tapuwa Karambakuwa and Ronney Ncwadi

Title : Tax evasion detection in Nigeria: Analysis of the specific forensic accounting techniques used

Authors: Akinadewo@@shm@@Israel S., Akinkoye@@shm@@Ebenezer Y.
Authors: Akinadewo, Israel S., Akinkoye and Ebenezer Y.

Title : Factors influencing profitability of conventional banks as measured by Tobin’s q: evidence from banking sector of Pakistan

Authors: Jo-Ann Rolle@@shm@@Gobind M. Herani@@shm@@Bushra Javed
Authors: Jo-Ann Rolle, Gobind M. Herani and Bushra Javed

Title : Health Related Not-For-Profit Organizations: Time to Rewrite

Authors: Dennis Fox@@shm@@Elene Evelyn@@shm@@Rosemary Williams
Authors: Dennis Fox, Elene Evelyn and Rosemary Williams

Title : M moderated mediation model linking error management culture to organizational performance

Authors: Bushra Javed@@shm@@Tariq Jalees@@shm@@Gobind M. Herani@@shm@@ Jo-Ann Rolle
Authors: Bushra Javed, Tariq Jalees, Gobind M. Herani and Jo-Ann Rolle

Title : The inevitability of financial risks in businesses and how to overcome them: Saudi Arabia in focus

Authors: Nasser Mohammed Lasloom
Authors: Nasser Mohammed Lasloom

Title : TOE Model: Adoption of Block Chain

Authors: Mai. H. Haroun@@shm@@Nermin Gohar@@shm@@Hany Ayaad Hanna
Authors: Mai. H. Haroun, Nermin Gohar and Hany Ayaad Hanna

Title : Motives and barriers of Airbnb users: Findings from mixed-methods approach

Authors: Ghada Mohammed A. Ahmed@@shm@@Prof Mohamed A. Ragheb@@shm@@Passent Ibrahim Tantawi
Authors: Ghada Mohammed A. Ahmed, Prof Mohamed A. Ragheb and Passent Ibrahim Tantawi

Title : Inclusive entrepreneurship: A critical look at inclusion of persons with disabilities

Authors: JoAnn Rolle@@shm@@ Jacqueline Kisato@@shm@@Patricia Rock@@shm@@ Jacqueline Winstanley
Authors: JoAnn Rolle, Jacqueline Kisato, Patricia Rock and Jacqueline Winstanley

Title : Coworking spaces: An exploratory study to identify the challenges and different business models in Egypt

Authors: Safaa Maher@@shm@@Passent Tantawi@@shm@@Mohamed A. Ragheb
Authors: Safaa Maher, Passent Tantawi and Mohamed A. Ragheb

Title : Career forms: Organizational, gig, and in-between

Authors: Sambhavi Lakshminarayanan@@shm@@ Simon Best
Authors: Sambhavi Lakshminarayanan and Simon Best

Title : Can We Afford It? The association between financial aid and time to completion in Accounting Higher Education in South Africa: A literature review

Authors: Riley Carpenter@@shm@@Lily Roos
Authors: Riley Carpenter and Lily Roos

Title : The relationship between ineffective methods of applying quality management and functional combustion in Arab Universities

Authors: Hoda Ahmed Ibraheem Abdelnabi@@shm@@Faten Ahmed Abobaker@@shm@@Khaled Mohamed ELBadawey
Authors: Hoda Ahmed Ibraheem Abdelnabi, Faten Ahmed Abobaker and Khaled Mohamed ELBadawey

Title : Positive and negative effects facing university education by allowing foreign universities to invest and open branches in KSA - Vision 2030 )Case Study Arab East Colleges & Qassim University)

Authors: Hoda Ahmed Ibraheem Abdelnabi@@shm@@Sally Elawady
Authors: Hoda Ahmed Ibraheem Abdelnabi and Sally Elawady

Title : Teaching all students: A holistic and collaborative approach to increasing student success

Authors: Veronica Udeogalanya
Authors: Veronica Udeogalanya

Title : Employees’ emotional intelligence and service delivery to customers: A comparative study of selected deposit money banks in Nigeria and Liberia

Authors: Smith Farley Roland@@shm@@ Akinbode James Olalekan
Authors: Smith Farley Roland and Akinbode James Olalekan

Title : Challenges for organizational structure and design as a result of digitalization and cybersecurity

Authors: Narcisa Roxana Moşteanu
Authors: Narcisa Roxana Moşteanu

Title : Strategic alliance as a catalyst for restructuring of the global economy: a theoretical perspective

Authors: Eke Donatus Izuogu
Authors: Eke Donatus Izuogu

Title : Effect of financial inclusion on entrepreneurial growth in retail and wholesale sub-sectors: Evidence from Nigeria

Authors: Anisiuba Chika Anastesia@@shm@@Ezeaku Hillary Chijindu@@shm@@Emengini Emeka Steve
Authors: Anisiuba Chika Anastesia, Ezeaku Hillary Chijindu and Emengini Emeka Steve

Title : Financial digitalization and its implication on jobs market structure

Authors: Narcisa Roxana Moşteanu@@shm@@Batoul Modarress Fathi
Authors: Narcisa Roxana Moşteanu and Batoul Modarress Fathi

Title : The influence of responsible leadership on talent retention

Authors: Evangelia Fragouli@@shm@@ Masoud Alhaider
Authors: Evangelia Fragouli and Masoud Alhaider