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DOI: 10.24052/BMR

6th International Trade and Academic Research Conference (ITARC) London, UK

Title : Environmental factors affecting on Creativity level of the Egyptian business organizations

Authors: Zizi Hassan Mohamed Zidan
Authors: Zizi Hassan Mohamed Zidan

Title : Transformational leadership and firm performance: empirical evidence from instant foods and convenience foods businesses in Thailand

Authors: Jirayu Rattanaborworn and Phaprukbaramee Ussahawanitchakit
Authors: Jirayu Rattanaborworn and Phaprukbaramee Ussahawanitchakit

Title : Leader-member exchange and firm survival: evidence from tourism businesses in Thailand

Authors: Khotchanipa Wanitkittikul and Phaprukbaramee Ussahawanitchakit
Authors: Khotchanipa Wanitkittikul and Phaprukbaramee Ussahawanitchakit

Title : Knowledge management capability and goal achievement: An empirical investigation of ISO 9000 certified firms in Thailand

Authors: Phattharika Chinchang and Phaprukbaramee Ussahawanitchakit
Authors: Phattharika Chinchang and Phaprukbaramee Ussahawanitchakit

Title : The influence of electronic word of mouth on retail bank customers share of wallet using the theory of planned behaviour

Authors: Dada Abimbola Alexandra
Authors: Dada Abimbola Alexandra

Title : Dynamic organizational capability and firm success: an empirical investigation of cosmetic businesses in Thailand

Authors: Tawanron Sungyuan and Phaprukbaramee Ussahawanitchakit
Authors: Tawanron Sungyuan and Phaprukbaramee Ussahawanitchakit

Title : New perspectives on inter-relationship in human resource management through the prism of social network analysis (SNA) An Indo-Bangladesh context

Authors: Sarat C. Das
Authors: Sarat C. Das

Title : Market-driving strategy orientation and marketing performance: An empirical investigation of software businesses in Thailand

Authors: Chorchat Sajjaviriya and Phaprukbaramee Ussahawanitchakit
Authors: Chorchat Sajjaviriya and Phaprukbaramee Ussahawanitchakit

Title : Relationship marketing strategy and marketing profitability: evidence from tourism businesses in Thailand

Authors: Daranee Ketchompu and Praprukebaramee Ussahawanitchakit
Authors: Daranee Ketchompu and Praprukebaramee Ussahawanitchakit

Title : Exporting requires us to see things differently

Authors: Mark T. Jones
Authors: Mark T. Jones

Title : Informal financial institutions and sustainable housing finance in southwestern Nigeria

Authors: Akintomide Joseph Akinlabi, Estate Management and Valuation Department
Authors: Akintomide Joseph Akinlabi, Estate Management and Valuation Department

Title : Best internal audit practices and achieving organizational success: an empirical examination of ISO 9000 manufacturing firm in Thailand

Authors: Anucha Puttikunsakon and Phaprukbaramee Ussahawanitchakit
Authors: Anucha Puttikunsakon and Phaprukbaramee Ussahawanitchakit

Title : Audit memory and sustainable audit success of tax auditors in Thailand

Authors: Napat Jantarajaturapath and Phaprukbaramee Ussahawanitchakit
Authors: Napat Jantarajaturapath and Phaprukbaramee Ussahawanitchakit

Title : Moral reasoning of tax auditors in Thailand: an empirical investigation of the antecedents and Consequences

Authors: Paneeda Tangsakul and Phaprukbaramee Ussahawanitchakit
Authors: Paneeda Tangsakul and Phaprukbaramee Ussahawanitchakit

Title : Audit professional learning and the antecedents and consequences: an empirical study of tax auditors (TAs) in Thailand

Authors: Suwan Wangcharoendate
Authors: Suwan Wangcharoendate

Title : The global financial crisis and US housing policy

Authors: Warren Matthews and Robert Driver
Authors: Warren Matthews and Robert Driver

Title : The role of market seeking, efficiency seeking and recourse seeking determinants of foreign direct investments: the case of OECD Countries

Authors: Manolis I. Skouloudakis, Ioannis A. Tampakoudis, Demetres N. Subeniotis and Ioannis G. Kroustalis
Authors: Manolis I. Skouloudakis, Ioannis A. Tampakoudis, Demetres N. Subeniotis and Ioannis G. Kroustalis

Title : Regional integration through energy trade: a case study of Bhutan’s hydro power projects

Authors: B.P.Veerabhadrappa and Guru Prasad. M.S
Authors: B.P.Veerabhadrappa and Guru Prasad. M.S

Title : The Heckscher-Ohlin versus Linder’s Theory: evidence from Malaysian export

Authors: Abdul Aziz Lai Mohd Fikri Lai and Imbarine Bujang
Authors: Abdul Aziz Lai Mohd Fikri Lai and Imbarine Bujang

Title : Dynamic marketing capability and marketing survival: evidence from auto parts businesses in Thailand

Authors: Sarutaya Sukdej and Phaprukbaramee Ussahawanitchakit
Authors: Sarutaya Sukdej and Phaprukbaramee Ussahawanitchakit

Title : Strategic marketing innovation and marketing performance: an empirical investigation of furniture exporting businesses in Thailand

Authors: Sureerat Muangkhot and Praprukbaramee Ussahawanitchakit
Authors: Sureerat Muangkhot and Praprukbaramee Ussahawanitchakit

Title : Organizational agility and firm performance: evidence from information and communication technology (ICT) businesses in Thailand

Authors: Thareerat Kuleelung and Phaprukbaramee Ussahawanitchakit
Authors: Thareerat Kuleelung and Phaprukbaramee Ussahawanitchakit

Title : Effects of promotion on marketing of grains in selected states of Northern Nigeria

Authors: Avanenge Faajir
Authors: Avanenge Faajir

Title : Brand creation strategy and marketing survival: an empirical investigation of non-alcoholic beverage businesses in Thailand

Authors: Wittawat Pansuppawat and Phaprukbaramee Ussahawanitchakit
Authors: Wittawat Pansuppawat and Phaprukbaramee Ussahawanitchakit

Title : New product development creativity and marketing sustainability: evidence from instant and convenience foods in Thailand

Authors: Yuthachai Krokaew and Phaprukbaramee Ussahawanitchakit
Authors: Yuthachai Krokaew and Phaprukbaramee Ussahawanitchakit

Title : Effect of transformational leadership on strategic human resource management and firm success of Toyota’s dealer in Thailand

Authors: Purit Pongpearchan
Authors: Purit Pongpearchan

Title : Product development competencies, dynamic capabilities, technological flexibility and product superiority: a study of Indonesian software

Authors: Minsani Mariani, Firmanzah, Sari Wahyuni and Tengku Ezni Balqiah
Authors: Minsani Mariani, Firmanzah, Sari Wahyuni and Tengku Ezni Balqiah

Title : The role of female entrepreneurial networks and small business development: a pilot study based on Sri Lankan migrant entrepreneurs of tourism industry in London

Authors: H.A.K.N.S.Surangi
Authors: H.A.K.N.S.Surangi

Title : World edible oil prices prediction: evidence from mix effect of overdifference on Box-Jenkins approach

Authors: Abdul Aziz Karia, Taufik Abd Hakim and Imbarine Bujang
Authors: Abdul Aziz Karia, Taufik Abd Hakim and Imbarine Bujang

Title : Public devices entrepreneurship and employment in the industry in Algeria

Authors: Belkacem Djamila and Moussi Oumelkheir
Authors: Belkacem Djamila and Moussi Oumelkheir

Title : Local industrial development in Algeria

Authors: Belkacem Djamila and Herizi Ratiba
Authors: Belkacem Djamila and Herizi Ratiba

Title : Accounting information system excellence and goal achievement: evidence from information and communication technology businesses in Thailand

Authors: Anucha Thapayom and Phaprukbaramee Ussahawanitchakit
Authors: Anucha Thapayom and Phaprukbaramee Ussahawanitchakit

Title : Management accounting system effectiveness and goal achievement: evidence from automotive businesses in Thailand

Authors: Pannarai Lata and Phaprukbaramee Ussahawanitchakit
Authors: Pannarai Lata and Phaprukbaramee Ussahawanitchakit

Title : Accounting governance and organizational image: An empirical study of ISO 14000 manufacturing businesses in Thailand

Authors: Renu Mektub and Phaprukbaramee Ussahawanitchakit
Authors: Renu Mektub and Phaprukbaramee Ussahawanitchakit

Title : Individual creativity and job success: evidence from bookkeepers in Thailand

Authors: Wanvipa Khammongkol and Phaprukbaramee Ussahawanitchalkit
Authors: Wanvipa Khammongkol and Phaprukbaramee Ussahawanitchalkit

Title : The effects of audit value added on audit survival : Evidence from CPAs of Thailand

Authors: Seerungrat Sudsomboon and Phaitoon Intakun
Authors: Seerungrat Sudsomboon and Phaitoon Intakun

Title : A parametric survival analysis of fundamental factors and sentiment index towards future stock returns: a new chapter of global financial crisis

Authors: Imbarine Bujang, Ahmad Fauze Abdul Hamit, Abdul Aziz Lai, Mohd Fikri Lai Taufik Abdul Hakim and Abdul Aziz Karia
Authors: Imbarine Bujang, Ahmad Fauze Abdul Hamit, Abdul Aziz Lai, Mohd Fikri Lai Taufik Abdul Hakim and Abdul Aziz Karia

Title : Green management indicators & environmental sustainability: An ISM based approach

Authors: Saad Bin Azhar and Parvaiz Talib
Authors: Saad Bin Azhar and Parvaiz Talib

Title : Strategic audit planning and audit quality: an empirical research of CPAs in Thailand

Authors: Worapan Ratanasongtham and Phaprukbaramee Ussahawanitchakit
Authors: Worapan Ratanasongtham and Phaprukbaramee Ussahawanitchakit

Title : Audit specialization and audit success: an empirical investigation of certified public accountants (CPAs) in Thailand

Authors: Chanpen Thongchai and Phaprukbaramee Ussahawanitchakit
Authors: Chanpen Thongchai and Phaprukbaramee Ussahawanitchakit

Title : Best internal control system on goal achievement of instant foods and convenience foods businesses in Thailand

Authors: Papapit Srisawangwong and Phaprukbaramee Ussahawanitchakit
Authors: Papapit Srisawangwong and Phaprukbaramee Ussahawanitchakit

Title : Assessment of knowledge and awareness of global warming among inhabitants of industrial areas of an urban community in a developing country.

Authors: Ruth Ochanya Adio-Moses and Aladejana J. A.
Authors: Ruth Ochanya Adio-Moses and Aladejana J. A.

Title : Organizational citizenship behavior and firm success: an empirical research of hotel businesses in Thailand

Authors: Wasin Phetphongphan and Phaprukbaramee Ussahawanitchakit
Authors: Wasin Phetphongphan and Phaprukbaramee Ussahawanitchakit

Title : A study on impact of Job role stressors on Frontline employee role performance towards the customers

Authors: Kasturi Naik and Srini R. Srinivasan2
Authors: Kasturi Naik and Srini R. Srinivasan2

Title : Selection of travel agents for service: A study of benefits for customers

Authors: Nic S Terblanche
Authors: Nic S Terblanche

Title : Effectiveness of perceptual exercises on the cognitive development of children with learning difficulties

Authors: Preeti A. Anandpara
Authors: Preeti A. Anandpara

Title : The role of trade policy in development: an empirical investigation

Authors: Matthew Cadbury
Authors: Matthew Cadbury

Title : The cointegration relationship between insurance investment and China's macroeconomic variables An empirical research based on time series analysis

Authors: Xiaochuan Tong1 and Binrong Wang2
Authors: Xiaochuan Tong1 and Binrong Wang2

Title : A study of green marketing practices in the food processing industry of India

Authors: Farheen M. Khan and Shamim Ahmad
Authors: Farheen M. Khan and Shamim Ahmad

Title : Corporate governance and market value of quoted companies in Nigeria (2003-2012)

Authors: Akinkoye Ebenezer Yemi, Adedeji Zacch Adelabu (Graduate student) and Akinadewo Isreal Seriki (Graduate Student)
Authors: Akinkoye Ebenezer Yemi, Adedeji Zacch Adelabu (Graduate student) and Akinadewo Isreal Seriki (Graduate Student)