CBERAnti-Fraud Consultants
dg Anti-Fraud Consultants Ltd is a professional teaching and academic programme delivery consultancy with over 10 years’ successful business customer satisfaction. The skills and expertise of its director and its associate practitioner professional members involved have seen the investigation of financial crime together with training in the subject of Financial Crime, Corruption and Money Laundering being delivered at UK and International locations.
As a demonstration of the professional standards that exist within the company we have recently achieved a partnership with Nottingham Trent University to provide high quality and inspirational academic teaching to all those currently involved in this ever diverse and changing arena of Financial Crime, Corruption and Money Laundering. As well as providing current up to-date knowledge for both national and international organisations we also look to identify Best Practice and to introduce professional standards and procedures in such a way that students will understand the practicalities of the investigation process, which can be used and developed in the workplace. Providing professional skills and knowledge will enhance self-confidence, which in turn will enhance overall work performance, assist greater career development opportunities and allow the employer to develop a successful and well-trained workforce.