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Dr. Veronica Nnoduka Udeogalanya

Medgar Evers College, City University of New York, USA

Dr. Veronica Udeogalanya is a tenured full professor in the Department of Economics and Finance, at Medgar Evers College of The City University of New York. Prior to that, she was a full-time tenured faculty member at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria, from where she was invited to the City University of New York as a Visiting Assistant Professor of Social Sciences in 1988. Since then, she has served the college in different capacities including the founding chairperson of the Department of Economics and Finance; the Deputy to the Provost of Medgar Evers College, and the chair of the college-wide retention task force among many assignments. She brings to these positions over forty years of experience in university teaching, higher education administration, grant writing, and community service. Dr. Udeogalanya was educated in the United Kingdom, Nigeria, and the United States. She earned a bachelor’s (1982), Master’s (1985), and doctoral (2007) degrees in Economics.  She continues to teach courses such as principles of economics; theory of economic development; urban economics; money and banking; international economics; managerial economics; labor economics and industrial relations; and public finance. Dr. Udeogalanya has presented research papers at universities and for socio/economic organizations in many countries including the United Kingdom, Ireland, Romania, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Spain, and the United States. She has published several books including an economics textbook, Economics Fundamentals (2010), by Kendall-Hunt Publishers, as well as several articles in refereed journals. Her research interests include issues in small business education, economic development projects, women and work, international business and study abroad programs, as well as cross-cultural community service. She is married to her husband of forty-seven years and has five children and nine grandchildren.