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Antoine Trad

IBISTM, France

I am a holder of a Dr degree in computer sciences degree and a Dr degree in business administration (DBA), with more than 300 articles. Actually, I am a researcher/professor at IBISTM (Europe and MEA). My research field's title is: Enterprise Transformation Projects’ Impacts, AI based Mathematical Models and Enterprise Architecture; mainly intended for Managers, Architects, and Engineers in Complex Business Innovation and Transformation Projects. My Research and Development Projects have an absolute lead in the mentioned fields; even in front of global organizations and corporations. These facts can be verified using search motors (like google search, google scholar or other, I have developed a related Transformation Research Architecture Development framework (TRADf) to support complex projects. In my RDP and related articles, I work on inspecting AI and enterprise architecture solutions in business and digital transformation projects; in parallel to my academic activities, I work as a consultant in transformation and enterprise architecture projects. TRADf is a pioneering approach that can be implemented by any organization and has the lead in transformation projects’ related topics.