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There are EIGHT tracks at the International Trade and Academic Research Conference

The Finance, Accounting and Organisational structure: Provides the scholarly means to present research on any finance, accounting and organisational structure-related topics. Papers can take as their focus SMEs or larger corporations and multinationals. IT and other innovation is impacting considerable across the board and so this is another aspect that could well provide a stimulating route into these three areas of academic research.

The Growth and Economic Development: Provides a forum for faculty and specialists in the field to elucidate some of the challenges formulating policies and overseeing implementation. The Conference is keen to see papers that focus on frontier and emerging markets, as well as exploring regional, national and trade block related topics. Papers related to gender,  the environment and sustainable development are particularly welcome.

The Globalisation and International Trade: Provides the ideal forum to present papers that explore the core features of globalisation, as well as some of the unforeseen consequences. Papers from all aspects of international trade are welcome and may include, but are not limited to, the trade tariffs, logistics, infrastructure developments and emerging markets.

Education and teaching for the Life Long Learning Sector: offers considerable scope to examine a range of themes that impact on all seats of learning, as well as general capacity building. Whilst the chief focus of this track relates to andragogy, it is keen to embrace education in its broadest sense, as well as through Continuous Professional Development (CPD) and the role of the autodidact. Papers related to both theory and practises are most welcome.

The HRM, Marketing & Information Technology track: affords a splendid opportunity to examine central elements to the efficient working of any organisation. Papers from all aspects of HRM are welcome and should largely focus on how an organisation optimises its’ greatest resource. Both Marketing and IT provide particular scope to impact of the internet as an engine of change. Papers that elucidate cultural awareness and the role that plays will add particular depth and meaning to this track.

Health and Social care Management track: offers considerable scope to examine a range of themes and issues within health and social care sector ranging from health and social care management to teaching practices, from private health care management systems to public health care management. This is a great opportunity for faculty, educators, medical doctors to share current health care management practices, research and education.

Corporate Governance and Business Ethics track: seeks to elucidate a wealth of issues on corporate governance, business ethics, corporate structure, accounting practices, corporate reporting mechanism, Corporate Social responsibility. Corporate accountability in media age. All theoretical, empirical, conceptual, case studies, review papers are well come for this track.

Science and Engineering track: offers to examine and address current state of technological development, research and education in the area of Science & Engineering. It aims to bring together academics, leading Engineers, industry researchers,  scientists and students to exchange and share their experiences and research outcomes about all aspect of Science & Engineering and discusses the practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted.

Example of topics appropriate to the conference include :

  1. International Trade in the context of the current economic climate
  2. The linkage between international trade and overseas aid
  3. Transparency in government procurement
  4. Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS)
  5. Remittances and their part in trade and export development
  6. The interplay between the G4 and trade round implementation issues
  7. How trade facilitation is conceptualized and made operational in different emerging markets
  8. The role of the Special Safeguard Mechanism (SSM)
  9. The linkages between global trade and corporate social responsibility
  10. The language and rhetoric of import sensitive products
  11. The role of tariff barriers and agro-subsidies
  12. Management and retail marketing
  13. Business management
  14. Business policies, strategies, and performance
  15. Creativity in Internet management and retailing
  16. Innovation and product development, Business strategies
  17. Marketing management and strategies
  18. International retailing, all aspect of retail management
  19. Business and retail research
  20. Consumer behaviour, Customer relationship management
  21. Public relations and retail communication
  22. Human Resources Management Practices and policies
  23. Information technology, Management Information Systems
  24. Globalisation, regional integration, international business, cross cultural management
  25. Multinational Corporations, transfer pricing, export and economic growth
  26. Regional integration
  27. Productivity and global sourcing
  28. Trade and economic liberalisation
  29. Health and social care management, regulating in a changing health and social care sector
  30. Private and public healthcare in 21st century
  31. Promoting patience safety in hospital, mental health,
  32. Governance practices in health care sector
  33. Care in community
  34. Teaching and learning for life long learning sector
  35. The future of business education, assessment methods and techniques
  36. The structure and curricula of current and future business education
  37. Cross cultural issues in education, use of technology in teaching and learning
  38. Emotional intelligence in teaching.
  39. Aeronautic Engineering, Automotive, Agriculture, Biotechnology, Biological Engineering
  40. Bio systems, Earthquake Engineering,
  41. Computer Science and Engineering, Environmental science and management
  42. Electrical, Electronics, mechanical engineering
  43. Petroleum and Industrial Engineering
  44. Telecommunication and Mechanical Engineering

Please note that this list is only indicative of possible topic areas that contributors may wish to consider while they develop their papers for the conference.